Event - A Tour of Alexander Stadium

21 May 2024

We attended Alexander Stadium, where we received a wonderful tour from volunteers.

Our first stop was on the track. Our tour guide told us all about the events held at the stadium, particularly during the Commonwealth games. This included, running, hurdles, long jump, shotput and pole vault. Then, we had a go at running the 400m track and jumping in the sand pit- although we did not get as far as the athletes! We also attempted small hurdles and shuttle runs with guidance from the athlete.

Our next part of the tour was inside the stadium. We were taken through a series of photos of famous athletes who trained at the stadium through the years and were very successful. We also learnt about William Whiteway Alexander, who developed the Birchfield Harriers and athletics in Birmingham.

Finally, we witnessed some current athletes training for upcoming events - one had even jumped 8.05m!

On your marks.
Long jump.

A piece of history.
Joyful spectators.