
Our school was last inspected in March 2020 The report was very positive and once again confirmed that St. Margaret Mary's is a good school.
Some of the highlights of the report include:
- Pupils are happy to come to school. Leaders have high expectations for them. They have crafted a broad and interesting curriculum. Leaders make the most of Birmingham's industrial heritage. they use it to bring learning to life.
- Pupils feel safe in school and get on well together, there are many opportunities for pupils to take on extra responsibilities. Staff care for the pupils and this is clear to see.
- St Margaret Mary's is a vibrant school, pupils enjoy learning to play musical instruments and the chance to attend a range of clubs.
- The headteacher leads a strong, committed staff team. Governors know the strengths and areas for improvement.
- Pupils with special educational needs are successfully included in school life.
- Children get off to a good start in Reception. Staff make sure learning is well matched to children's needs and interests.
- Pupils listen to their teachers and are well behaved. They are thoughtful and friendly and respect each other. Children behave well because they know what is expected of them.
- Pupils are being well prepared for life in modern Britain.
The full report can be read below:
- Ofsted Report - March 2020
Parent View
You can now share your views on our school via Ofsted's Parent View website. By sharing your views, Ofsted hopes you'll be helping the school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about us.
RE Inspection
As a Catholic school we are also inspected by the Archdiocese (Section 48 Inspection). Our last inspection was in March 2022 when the school was judged as outstanding.Some highlights of the report include::
- The school mission, 'Live, love and learn', is fully embedded, celebrated and clearly articulated and lived out by all.
- Leaders are models of excellent practice and inspiring role models of faith.
- Skilful questioning by teachers ad support staff allows pupils to demonstrate their subject knowledge and understanding.
- Pupils know a wide variety of prayers relevant to their year groups.
- Pupils concentrate exceptionally well in lessons and are enthusiastic about their learning in Religious Education.
- Parents feel it is a truly Catholic school where faith is powerful.
- Governors are highly supportive and committed to the school.
The full report can be read below:
- RE Inspection Report - March 2022