School Parliament
Our School Parliament consists of children from Year 5 and 6. These children act as the voice for all children in St. Margaret Mary’s School, they listen to feedback from other year groups and work to enact change in the school.
The School Parliament is split into four key groups:
- School Council
- Eco-Council
- Wellbeing Team
- Liturgy Team - Mini Vinnies
Find out more about our School Parliament on our up to date notice boards located in the large playground!
School Council

School Council members.
The School Council are active in making things better for the school and local community.
They organise whole school competitions, events and are instrumental in our foodbank collections. They liaise with the parish and charities to find out what is needed.
Eco Council

Eco Council members.
The Eco Council are responsible for caring for our school environment.
They work together to identify ways we can improve and care for God’s creation. They have raised money to purchase recycling bins and are working towards the target of raising enough money for a functioning Poly tunnel.
Wellbeing Council

Wellbeing Council members.
The Wellbeing Council focus on the wellbeing of all children in St. Margaret Mary’s.
They live out our school mission by thinking how they can make things better for everyone. They have raised money for new playground equipment and voted for Key Stage 2 children to receive free fruit daily.
Liturgy Team - Mini Vinnies

Our Liturgy Leaders.
The Liturgy Leaders do an important job in spreading the good news and keeping prayer and catholic virtues at the heart of our school community.
They contribute to collective worship, organise faith-based events and collect for their chosen charities.