Event - Inspire Workshops

7 June 2024

This week we invited parents in to school to enjoy an inspire workshop with their child. This term’s theme was centred around our exciting topics.

In Reception’s inspire, the children were looking at their topic animals and their habitats. They made paper plate animals with their parents.

For Year 1’s topic of animals and aquatics, lots of exciting activities took place. They sketched animals, made a split pin animal, wrote animal fact files and read animal books.

For Year 4's inspire this term we designed the car body for our slingshot cars that we will complete in our D and T project. We learnt about car manufacturing in Birmingham and then designed our car and cut it out, ready to attach to the car chassis.

In Year 5, children explored the history of Sutton Park and the influence of the Tudors – with a particular focus on the war of the roses. The children answered questions about the many battles that took place and then collaged their own Tudor Rose.

It was great to see so many parents enjoying the learning alongside their child!

The joy of working with parents.
Reception made paper plate animals.

Year 4 working on D&T projects.
Year 5 making Tudor roses.