Event - May Procession

8 May 2024

The whole school gathered together for our annual May procession. This is a special service, where we focus on Mary our Mother and the important job she had to do.

We began in the hall, where our Liturgy Leaders read the gospel and led us in a litany to Mary. We then sang hymns to praise Our Lady and crowned the statue with flowers.

The singing continued as we processed to our new prayer area (KS1) and the shrine outside our church (KS2). Each class had made a banner to show our love for Mary and children were invited to bring flowers to place in front of the shrine.

The children were extremely faith-filled and their singing was fantastic.

It is wonderful to be able to gather as a school community in this way and we thank Mrs Hannon-Dalby for leading this beautiful Liturgy and Fr Simon for leading us in prayer at church.

Gathered together in the hall.
Key Stage 2 gathered at church.

Processing to the prayer area.
A prayerful time.