Event - Nursery and the Animal Man

21 May 2024

Nursery enjoyed a visit from Mo, the animal man. He came to talk to us about all sorts of animals and minibeasts.

We learnt lots of new facts; We know that an insect has six legs, a spider has eight legs and a snail has more teeth than a shark!

Mo brought some animals along to show us and we were brave enough to touch some of them. We held a snail on the palm of our hand, a tarantula crawled on our tummies, and a millipede crawled on our heads and wrists. We stroked a soft chinchilla, had a close up encounter with a scorpion and held a hopping grasshopper. We were all brave enough to have a snake wrapped around our shoulders too!

Nursery loved our visit from the animal man and are looking forward to our new topic all about farms and minibeasts.

Lots of excitement to see the different creatures.
Using our senses.

All having a turn stroking the chinchilla.
Learning about the different animals.