Wellbeing Activities and Events
Year 5 Culture Wheels

Year 5's culture wheels.
6 November 2019
In Year 5 the children have been celebrating what makes them different.
We discussed how different cultures make us who we are and made culture wheels to show the cultures that influence us.
We then got the chance to look at other people’s culture wheels and celebrate our differences.
Year 6 Role Play

Year 6 role playing about pressure.
24 October 2019
In Year 6 today, the children discussed different forms of ‘pressure’ and how it can make us feel.
We talked in a group about our emotions when under pressure and what we can do to make ourselves feel better.
We role played situations where pressure has affected us and identified our feelings in these moments.
Year 3 Show and Tell

Sharing some of our special items.
24 October 2019
Year 3 get a chance to show and tell something special they have brought in from home.
This week we had some brilliant sharing from the girls in our class. We heard all about starting kickboxing lessons and got to look at some very special gloves. We also got to feel new teddies that had been brought as a special gift by adults.
The children shared and listened beautifully.
EYFS Multi-Skills Competition

Enjoying multi-skills races.
22 October 2019
Reception and Nursery took part in a multi-skills competition. As part of the competition, the children had to compete in their house groups in a variety of races.
We discussed with the children that looking after our wellbeing means focusing on our Mind, Body and Soul.
Today we looked after our bodies by giving them a good run around!
Year 3 Role Playing

Year 3's circle time on bullying.
10 October 2019
Children in Year 3 carried out a circle time focusing on bullying.
We discussed how bullying can make us feel and ways that we can work to make it better. We role played a bullying situation and changed the situation by stepping in.
We know that we can look after other children’s wellbeing by telling a trusted adult in these situations.
Year 4 Wellbeing Assembly

Year 4's Wellbeing Assembly.
17 September 2019
Mrs Coates led Year 4’s wellbeing assembly where we focused on the book ‘My Many Coloured Days’ by Dr Seuss.
In the book, Dr Seuss uses colours and animals to describe how he is feeling on different days. We talked about how some days we can start the day feeling brown or black but this can always change.
We thought about ways that we can help to make somebody else’s day change colour. We made promises to try to make things better for others and aim for pink or orange days!
Nature Garden in Full Bloom

Our Nature Garden.
15 July 2019
The Nature Garden is now in full bloom for the summer!
The children have been working really hard in Mindfulness Club to make sure the flowerbeds are looking at their best and we are sure you’ll agree it really is lovely.
The walls are decorated with painted tiles from each year group and the garden will be a place for all children to take some time out from the business of school.
Well done to all the children who helped to bring this together!
Mindfulness Club

Enjoying time at Mindfulness Club.
18 June 2019
Year 4 have really been enjoying their mindfulness club this half term!
The children have loved the opportunity to take time out of a busy day to sit and focus on an activity.
They have been sharing their thoughts and feelings on slips of paper and joining them together to make feelings chains.
Class 3B Show and Tell

Class 3B's Show and Tell.
14 June 2019
Class 3B thoroughly enjoy opportunities to bring in a variety of things or news from home for 'Show and Tell'.
This is one of the girl's Juggler!
Year 4 Mindfulness Assembly

Year 4's Assembly.
6 June 2019
Year 4 gathered in the hall for a Mindfulness Assembly.
Mr Barton shared the story ‘My Huge Bag of Worries’. We discussed how sometimes all of our worries can mount up together and make us feel like it is a big problem, however when we deal with our worries individually they are really much smaller.
The most important message in the story was to talk to someone if we are feeling worried – a worry shared is a worry halved!
Class 5AW Circle Time

5AW's Circle Time.
5 June 2019
Year 5 played a fun game of 'would you rather?'.
This gave year 5 pupils the chance to share new ideas and thoughts with the class.
Wellbeing Club Start Nature Garden

Children working on the Nature Garden.
10 May 2019
The new member of the Wellbeing Club from Year 4 started our new nature garden.
The children worked in groups to plant the beds ready for summer.
The children really enjoyed this quiet time to focus and be outside.
We hope that this nature garden will be enjoyed by all in our school.
Year 5's Well-Being Assembly

Year 5's assembly.
9 May 2019
Year 5 had a Well-Being Assembly based on a book by Dr Seuss.
We discussed different emotions and linked them to colours. Some of us shared how we felt at that moment and how these feelings may have changed since the start of the day.
The main message from this assembly, was to talk about our feelings and think about how others might be feeling too.
Year 2 Show and Tell

2C's show and tell.
22 March 2019
Class 2C are enjoying show and tell.
They have brought things from home that they want to show and news from home that they want to tell us about.
Class 3B Circle Time

3B's Circle Time.
18 March 2019
Year 3B took part in a 'Would you rather...' activity.
We looked at different situations and discussed which we would rather do. We had to give reasons for or against and justify our argument.
It was fun seeing how different our opinions can be and the reasons why.
Year 2 Circle Time

Year 2 Circle Time.
15 March 2019
Year 2 enjoyed a circle time talking about what makes a good friend and how we can be a good friend to each other.
We decided that the best friends are people who are kind to us, help us and share things with us.
Year 2 Mindfulness Assembly

Year 2 Assembly.
14 March 2019
Mr Barton read us a story about a bear who was unkind. He became very unhappy because nobody came to his birthday party. He soon realised that when he was kind to people, they were kind to him too.
We talked about how we can make other people happy by saying kind words to them. We practised saying kind things to each other and by the end of the assembly, everyone was smiling.
Class 1F Circle Time

1F's Circle Time.
7 March 2019
1F talked about how our feelings can be like the weather and created sounds to represent this.
We also played pass the smile to see how quickly we could change each others mood and how we could work as a team to move the tambourine around the room without making any sounds.
Year 3 Wellbeing Assembly

Year 3's Assembly.
7 February 2019
Year 3 had their wellbeing and mindfulness assembly this week and they learnt some amazing and calming techniques.
The children really enjoyed reading the story about Jenny and her bag of worries.
Year 3 now understand that a problem shared is a problem halved. This allows us to concentrate on our soul, body and mind.
Class 3B Circle Time

3B's Circle Time.
5 February 2019
During circle time this week, 3B talked about what qualities they looked for in friend. We then discussed the qualities we had to offer to make us a good friend.
Our School Councillor also showed us a game ‘Friendship bingo’ where we looked for friends in the class who had different qualities.
We had a lovely time finding out new things about our friends.
Reception Circle Time

Reception's Circle Time.
4 February 2019
Reception carried out their circle time. In the session they discussed what it meant to be proud of something and some of the things that you might be proud of.
The children then took turns going around the circle and shared something that they were very proud of.
Year 4 Circle Time

Year 4's first Circle Time.
1 February 2019
Year 4 had their first circle time.
We followed on from our Wellbeing Assembly and talked about the story we had read.
We discussed how sometimes you can be feeling ‘blue’ but you show the rest of the world that you are happy.
We each pulled out a class members name from a pot and wrote something nice about them. The children enjoyed reading and sharing the compliments they received.
Class 1F Circle Time

Class 1F's Circle Time.
1 February 2019
1F had their first circle time where we spoke about ourselves letting everyone know our likes and dislikes.
We also shared our skills and talents that we can use to help others in our class and around school.
We now have people we can go to that will help us with our zips, finding lost property and help us to get dressed after PE.
Year 4's Wellbeing Assembly

Year 4's wellbeing assembly.
31 January 2019
Year 4 had their first wellbeing assembly.
We discussed what wellbeing is and how we need to ensure we take care of our mind as well as our body.
We read the story ‘Bob’s Blue Period’ and discussed how Bob Felt in the story when his friend left him.
We talked about how our friends can feel blue sometimes and what we might do to cheer them up.
Class 3B Circle Time

Class 3B's Circle Time.
28 January 2019
Class 3B held a circle time where we discussed our futures and what we thought our calling was.
The class shared some lovely ideas about what they hoped for in the future.
Year 5's Mindfulness Assembly

Year 5's assembly on wellbeing.
23 January 2019
The Year 5 assembly on wellbeing was based around the Michael Rosen book 'Sad Book.'
We spoke about what makes us sad and we discussed the book and it topics. We looked at what Michael does when he is sad and if that would work for us.
Year 5 Circle Time

Year 5's first Circle Time.
21 January 2019
We held our first Circle Time in Year 5.
Our Circle Times are a chance for children to discuss their thoughts and feelings and to have their own voice in school.
Today, we introduced circle time and we spoke about the atmosphere we need to create in these sessions; a calming and supportive atmosphere.
We had suggestions for what could be discussed in future circle times and will continue to have these sessions on a weekly basis.
Lunchtime Mindfulness Club Commences

Year 5 enjoying activities at Mindfulness Club.
17 January 2019
At lunchtime, the first Mindfulness club started.
Year 5 will be attending the club weekly and will be working on achieving levels of mindfulness, which they can then share, with others in the school.
The first session involved making bracelets using beads. The children enjoyed this quiet time to reflect and focus on an enjoyable activity.
Year 6 Mindfulness Assembly

Year 6 in their Mindfulness assembly.
17 January 2019
Year 6 gathered for a mindfulness assembly led by Mrs Logue, who led the children in story about feelings and mood changes.
In the story, colours were given to the different moods experiences.
The children were encouraged to share their colour for the day and given the challenge to make their colour (mood) brighter throughout the day.
PE Achievement Assembly

Children with their awards for PE.
15 January 2019
Miss Fellows led Years 1 to 6 in a PE achievement assembly.
In order to promote children’s wellbeing our PE assemblies encourage the children to aim towards an active lifestyle.
Miss Fellows reminded the children that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Awards were given for skill, sportsmanship and great attitude for each year group.
What an enjoyable celebration of achievement.